French Timmed Rack of Pork with Fennel and Garlic

I slow roasted this rack of pork on a base of garlic. I then cooked it on a high heat for the final 20 minutes with the skin down to crackle it.

Home Cured and Smoked Ham on the Bone

This was my first attempt at curing a whole leg of lamb. I cured this in brine infused with fennel and star anise for 10 days before cold smoking and then hot smoking. It was superb and a great Christmas treat. I’ll do this every Christmas from now on.

Smoked Salmon

I home cure and smoke my own smoked salmon. It’s one of the easiest recipes to do. The photo also has some of my home cured duck and coppa, air dried pork.

Smoked Chicken Wings with Blue Cheese Dip

Crispy chicken wings are one of my favourite appetisers. This photo was one taken during a lesson I was having from my friend and excellent photographer Nigel Cook Photography.