Order delivery while we're out of the office

We’re stepping away from the office until 7th December 2023,  but will still be online to check and process orders, from time-to-time where we have WiFi.

Some items, we will still be able to arrange delivery even though we’re away. Other items will have to wait for our return.


Items we can arrange delivery of while we’re away

  • Big Green Eggs and their accessories
  • Thermapens
  • DeliVita ovens
  • Charlie Ovens

Items we’ll ship on our return

  • Big4Space – we’re booking deliveries ahead of Christmas
  • LetzQ products, including the LetzQ Spit
  • HORL knife sharpeners
  • Savernake Knives
  • Meat Smoke Fire Aprons
  • Meater+ and 2 probe Meater Block

CLass Bookings

Of course, we will still be taking class bookings for 2024 via the website on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

We will acknowledge all bookings on our return.