Crunchy Potato Cases with Egg and Bacon

Crunchy Potato Cases with Egg and Bacon

Hands up, who doesn’t love a potato rosti.  Always looking for an excuse to incorporate a potato rosti into a recipe.  This is a simple, small tapas size portion of crispy potato, filled with fried streaky bacon (we used some of the home made bacon we made in a previous live cook) topped with a beautifully runny baked egg.

What would you choose to fill your potato?  Smoked salmon with some sour cream or some caramelised onion or mushrooms with an optional Egg over the top to make it vegetarian or vegan friendly.

We’ve also seen recipes where some onion or finely chopped fennel has been added to the potato mix before cooking.  You could add some of your favourite rub to the potato mix to make it your own!

We estimate about half a large potato ie sits in the palm of your hand per case. So 6 potatoes, should give you 12 potato cases.

Cooking surfaces

Petromax Muffin Tin
Cast Iron Grid
Plate setter icon

BBQ Temperature



For the egg and bacon filling 

  • oil for frying
  • 3 to 4 rashers of streaky bacon, finely chopped
  • 1 egg per potato case
  • Chopped chives

For the rosti

  • 3 large (fit in the palm of your hand) maris piper potatoes, peeled 
  • parmesan cheese, finely grated, optional
  • pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp onion salt or salt, taste before adding if you use cheese
  • Oil to grease pan


  1. Set up your Big Green Egg for an indirect cook at 200°C.
  2. Part boil your potatoes for about 5 minutes, you’re just trying to warm them through and get the starch within them activated.  We did this indoors on the hob.
  3. Pop a frying pan or skillet, into the Egg to warm up.
  4. Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to the skillet and add the bacon to fry. 
  5. Fry the bacon, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes until it’s beautifully crispy.  Remove from the heat and set aside.
  6. Use a box grater to grate your potatoes. The gratings will be sticky from the starch.
  7. Put the potato in a bowl and we added a bit of parmesan cheese and black pepper.  Taste before adding the onion salt or salt as the cheese will be salty.  Give the mix a good stir.
  8. Put a pan or muffin tin in the Egg to warm up, add drizzle of oil to each hole.  Swill it around to make sure the base of each hole is covered.
  9. Take a dessert spoon of mixture and spoon into the hole.  You’ll need to then flatten the potato and push it up the sides of  the hole to create a case.  Repeat until you have used up all the potato.
  10. Place the potato cases in the Egg and cook them for about 10 to 15 minutes.  You want them to be beautifully golden and crispy.  Once cooked, remove the pan from the heat temporarily.
  11. Then you need to add the Egg.  We found the easiest way to do this, was to crack an Egg into a cup and then pour the Egg into the potato cases.  Repeat until all the cases are filled.  We then sprinkled the cooked bacon on top of the raw egg.
  12. Place the pan back into the Egg and cook for about 5 to 6 minutes.  You might want to check on the cooking of the Eggs from time to time.  We’re always striving for the Egg to be oozy and runny when we cut into it.
  13. Once the Egg is cooked to your liking, remove the pan from the Egg.  Remove each potato cake from the tin with a palette knife.  Top with spring onions or your garnish of choice and serve asap!