Rotisserie Chicken

Rotisserie Spit Roast Chicken

Cooking a chicken is a great first cook on a rotisserie on your Big Green Egg. The chicken will self-baste as it spins.

Each time you cook a chicken, you can change the flavour by using different spice and herb combinations.

A roast chicken will soon become a go to recipe on the rotisserie on your Big Green Egg.  If you’re looking for some sides for your roast chicken, take a look at the Vegetable recipes.   What about ratatouille or Chilli & Lime Roast Potatoes?  Cavalo Nero with garlic and chilli has become one of our new favourite sides or who doesn’t love a potato or vegetable dauphinoise.

Cooking surfaces


BBQ Temperature



  • 1 chicken
  • The rub of your choice, or simply salt and pepper
  • oil, to baste



    1. Brush your chicken with a bit of oil, season with salt and pepper or your spice rub of choice.
    2. Place your chicken onto your spit and try and position it so it is weighted as evenly as possible.
    3. Make sure the thumb screws are securely tightened on the spit forks, you don’t want your spit spinning and your chicken hanging.
    4. Cook your chicken at 180°C, don’t go too hot, you’ll dry it out.
    5. You’re aiming for an internal temperature of  75°C .

    The key to a great chicken is to take the breasts off the bird when you carve and cut across the grain of the meat. If you do the slices as Jamie Oliver would do, you’ll end up with the meat fibres running along the slices, and this will taste much more firm and less moist.

    Cooking a large chicken like this will take about 1 hour.

    Try to rest your chicken for at least 30 minutes before carving. Just wrap it in good quality foil. 


    Meat Smoke Fire Limited, Company registration number: 08831697, VAT Registration Number is 348 0589 74
